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Haroon Hamid

NHS, United Kingdom


Dr Haroon Hamid. A foundation year trainee on the Isle of Man, with experience in Accident and Emergency, Psychiatry and General Practice. With future career goals in psychiatry, this topic was of particular interest having seen the extent of the problem through working in the Emergency Department. I was able to take time to gather this data and analyse it and instigate changes through my work with the Psychiatry division. Currently working as a medical doctor within the NHS. Graduated from University of Liverpool with MbCHB and a Masters in Research from the Department of Translational Medicine at University of Liverpool, with special interest in Neurology and affiliations with the Walton Centre Neurology Specialist Centre, Aintree Hospital, Liverpool.


Abstract : Self-Harm- A Growing Concern: A Population based Cohort Study Observing the Rates of Self-Harm on a Small Rural Island