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Shaimaa Mosad El-Refaay

Faculty of Nursing ,Tanta University

Title: Effect of Psycho educational Program about control of Suicidal Ideation among Psychotic Patients on Nursing Staff’s Knowledge and Practice


Biography: Shaimaa Mosad El-Refaay


Suicide is a tragic event with strong emotional repercussions for its survivors and for families of its victims. Suicide is considered a serious public health problem around the world, it is the major cause of death and morbidity worldwide. It is estimated that, approximately one million people died by suicide each year. Nurses are often on the   front line positions for identifying and interviewing patients who are suicidal; therefore, nurses must be well trained in in the assessment of suicidal patients and know what to do when faced with a client who is actually suicidal. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a psycho educational program about control of suicidal ideation among psychotic patients on a nursing staff ‘s knowledge and practice. The study sample consisted of 50 psychiatric nurses working at Tanta -Mental Health Hospital having at least one year experience in the psychiatric field and providing direct care for psychotic patients   .Aquasi-experimental design was utilized. Two tools were used for data collection: Tool (I): Nurse's knowledge about suicide Ideation questionnaire contain two parts ;Part1 )Structured Interview Schedule related to Socio-Demographic Data ,Part 2)Questions about suicide Ideation  to assess nurse’s knowledge about suicide. Tool (II):-An Observation Checklist for a Nurse’s practice towards the suicidal patients :this was used to assess a nurse’s skills   regarding suicidal patients. The results revealed that there was a statistically significant improvement between the mean score of total knowledge and the skills   score before intervention, immediately after and after three month of intervention. The study concluded : marked increase in the overall knowledge and skills  of the nurses as the result of receiving an educational program about control of  Suicidal  Ideation  among psychotic  patients  on nursing staff knowledge and practice. Recommendation: develop and implement educational programs for patient regarding control of Suicidal Ideation should be provided in a treatment program during a patient’s hospitalization.

 Key words: Suicide,   Psychiatric Nurses  , Knowledge ,Skills .